Remedial Massage
A Remedial Massage Therapist is trained to use specific techniques to stretch and lengthen connective tissue and muscles, reduces pain and discomfort, bringing wellness and a sense of relaxation and…
A Remedial Massage Therapist is trained to use specific techniques to stretch and lengthen connective tissue and muscles, reduces pain and discomfort, bringing wellness and a sense of relaxation and…
Essences are a tool that many Kinesiologists use to assist clients to become more aware of how their emotions are a by-product of how events and circumstances impact who they…
Chances are if you are experiencing a racing heart, restlessness, irritability , nervousness, insomnia, mood swings, feeling overwhelmed you may also be experiencing gas, nausea, bloating, brain fog, diarrhea ,…
'All disease begins in the gut" is a quote from Ancient Greek Physician Hippocrates more than 2500 years ago. As time passes modern studies have shown much of this statement…
The link between emotion and the digestive system is much closer than previously thought. Have you heard of the brain in your gut, in which people refer to as the…
Breathing is fundamental to living and its our most natural instinct. But to breath deeply, slowly and smoothly is almost and art that brings enormous benefits to our mental state…
Case Study – Frozen Shoulder I have a client aged 53 who presented approximately 8 weeks ago diagnosed with Frozen Shoulder left side. At the time he had roughly 15%…
Rotator Cuff When we talk about the Rotator Cuff in relation to shoulder function we are basically describing four muscles which stabilise the shoulder joint (Glenohumeral Joint) or in other…
All three Pecs Muscles, Pec Major Sternal (PMS), Pec Major Clavicular (PMC) and, Pectoralis Minor are very interesting but the Pec Major Sternal (PMS) in particular seems to go weak…
My name is Amanda Spargo I am a Remedial Massage Therapist, Kinesiologist, and Artist working from my gorgeous home in Lithgow on the outskirts of the beautiful Blue Mountains. I…
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