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Goal setting for the sacral chakra in Kinesiology could be something like?
🧩I have the self esteem to see myself with my own eyes and not through someone else’s.
🧩I allow my heart energy to flow towards my sacral chakra.
🧩I no longer give more of myself than I allow myself to receive.
🧩I am able to act on my creative instincts.
🧩I am able to experience intimacy.
🧩I am able to evaluate my life direction, pause and make plans and have vitality, purpose and follow through.
🧩I enhance my fertility and balance my reproductive system.
🧩I have stability, a centre and an anchor I have a solid core and internal strength.
🧩I accept heathy relationships and support systems.
🧩I allow tenderness and compassion with safety and protection.
#intimacy #sacralchakra #goalsetting #affirmations #weareallconnected #mindbodyintegration
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Goal setting for the sacral chakra in Kinesiology could be something like?
🧩I have the self esteem to see myself with my own eyes and not through someone else’s.
🧩I allow my heart energy to flow towards my sacral chakra.
🧩I no longer give more of myself than I allow myself to receive.
🧩I am able to act on my creative instincts.
🧩I am able to experience intimacy.
🧩I am able to evaluate my life direction, pause and make plans and have vitality, purpose and follow through. 
🧩I enhance my fertility and balance my reproductive system.
🧩I have stability, a centre and an anchor I have a solid core and internal strength.
🧩I accept heathy relationships and support systems.
🧩I allow tenderness and compassion with safety and protection.
#intimacy #sacralchakra #goalsetting #affirmations #weareallconnected #mindbodyintegration

So the aim of kinesiology is to goal set something you would like to improve upon for yourself.
The idea is that by the end of the balance all of the muscles in your body are congruent with the goal you have chosen to set for yourself. A bit like affirmations on steroids.
Some examples of goals to balance the stomach meridian I spoke about yesterday would be?
🧩I balance my core neck muscles to improve my alignment and support my head.
🧩I am able to digest life and choose wisely my food, nourishment and emotions.
🧩I can digest the truth.
🧩I release distorted beliefs from criticism.
🧩I am able to process, accept and hold my boundaries.
🧩I am able to take in and receive nourishment.
🧩I am able to stomach difficult feeling.
🧩I am able to feel and accept nourishing experiences.
🧩I no longer swallow my emotions to anaesthetise feelings, I am open honest and grateful for nourishing experiences.
🧩l am able to feel empathy and sympathy for others.
🧩 I release emptiness and find nourishment for my mind and body.
🧩I am able to process and listen to others.
🧩I release digestive issues and inflammation from my body.
🧩I see things from a different point of view and digest new ideas.
🧩I release cravings for sugary foods.
🧩I release craving for bad food.
🧩I increase my desire for healthy food.
🧩I am able to give and receive in equal measure in all my relationships.
🧩I feel satisfied.
🧩I release digestive triggers and regulate myself mind, body and spirit.
#kinesiology #GoalSetting #affirmations #stomachissues #foodforthrought #weareallconnected #mindbodyintegration
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So the aim of kinesiology is to goal set something you would like to improve upon for yourself.
The idea is that by the end of the balance all of the muscles in your body are congruent with the goal you have chosen to set for yourself. A bit like affirmations on steroids. 
Some examples of goals to balance the stomach meridian I spoke about yesterday would be? 
🧩I balance my core neck muscles to improve my alignment and support my head.
🧩I am able to digest life and choose wisely my food, nourishment and emotions.
🧩I can digest the truth.
🧩I release distorted beliefs from criticism.
🧩I am able to process, accept and hold my boundaries.
🧩I am able to take in and receive nourishment.
🧩I am able to stomach difficult feeling.
🧩I am able to feel and accept nourishing experiences.
🧩I no longer swallow my emotions to anaesthetise feelings, I am open honest and grateful for nourishing experiences.
🧩l am able to feel empathy and sympathy for others.
🧩 I release emptiness and find nourishment for my mind and body.
🧩I am able to process and listen to others.
🧩I release digestive issues and inflammation from my body.
🧩I see things from a different point of view and digest new ideas.
🧩I release cravings for sugary foods. 
🧩I release craving for bad food.
🧩I increase my desire for healthy food.
🧩I am able to give and receive in equal measure in all my relationships.
🧩I feel satisfied.
🧩I release digestive triggers and regulate myself mind, body and spirit.
#Kinesiology #goalsetting #affirmations #stomachissues #foodforthrought #weareallconnected #mindbodyintegration

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Some goals there I could apply to my life 😊

The stomach meridian in Kinesiology is involved with quite a few muscles in the body mostly to do with the neck, chest and arms.
They are Anterior and Posterior Neck Flexors, Pectoralis Major Clavicular, Levator Scapulae, Pec Minor, Supinator, Pronator Teres, and Brachioradialis.
So when we experience pain or postural misalignments such neck pain, arm or wrist pain or problems such as carpal tunnel, food intolerances, poor immune function, indigestion or acid reflux it could be related to the stomach meridian. Or there maybe dysfunction on one of the muscles I’ve just mentioned.
Our stomach meridian harmonises our relationship between appetite, need and nourishment.
The stomach asks us to be aware of what we are taking in and digesting whether they are bad foods, thoughts, or feeling. All of these things can be toxic to us.
Metaphorically we may have difficulty with over thinking, excessive worrying or have a busy mind. We may have butterflies in the stomach, indicating nervousness or anxiety.
We may have problems taking in, an inability to receive may lead to problems such as anorexia, bulimia, or other physical manifestations from emotional eating, or craving sweet foods.
We may have too large of appetite for risk, experience nausea, bitterness, disgust, emptiness , hunger all emotions related to the stomach meridian.
Our ability to take nourishment from others or accepting criticism. Swallowing criticism, digesting new ideas? Maybe there are circumstances in our life where we ‘can’t stomach’?
If we ‘can’t stomach’ chances are we have detached from our emotions, swallowing our emotions. We become emotionally congested as a coping mechanisms to anaesthetise feelings. Detachment over a period of time can lead to a false mask of cheerfulness, denial and addictive behaviour. These eventually lead to digestive issues and inflammation in the body.
By releasing this stomach congestion it becomes easier to work with emotional issues and accept nourishment. Supporting us physically, mentally and emotionally.
The mind body connection gives both emotional and physical issues an holistic perspective and this can help put pieces back into the bigger picture.
#mindbodyconnection #stomachmeridian #neck #arms #chestmuscles #weareallconnected #mindbodyintegration
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The stomach meridian in Kinesiology is involved with quite a few muscles in the body mostly to do with the neck, chest and arms.
They are Anterior and Posterior Neck Flexors, Pectoralis Major Clavicular, Levator Scapulae, Pec Minor, Supinator,  Pronator Teres, and Brachioradialis. 
So when we experience pain or postural misalignments such neck pain, arm or wrist pain or problems such as carpal tunnel, food intolerances, poor immune function, indigestion or acid reflux it could be related to the stomach meridian. Or there maybe dysfunction on one of the muscles I’ve just mentioned.
Our stomach meridian harmonises our relationship between appetite, need and nourishment. 
The stomach asks us to be aware of what we are taking in and digesting whether they are bad foods, thoughts, or feeling. All of these things can be toxic to us. 
Metaphorically we may have difficulty with over thinking, excessive worrying or have a busy mind. We may have butterflies in the stomach, indicating nervousness or anxiety.
We may have problems taking in, an inability to receive may lead to problems such as anorexia, bulimia, or other physical manifestations from emotional eating, or craving sweet foods. 
We may have too large of appetite for risk, experience nausea, bitterness, disgust, emptiness , hunger all emotions related to the stomach meridian. 
Our ability to take nourishment from others or accepting criticism. Swallowing criticism, digesting new ideas? Maybe there are circumstances in our life where we ‘can’t stomach’? 
If we ‘can’t stomach’ chances are we have detached from our emotions, swallowing our emotions. We become emotionally congested as a coping mechanisms to anaesthetise feelings. Detachment over a period of time can lead to a false mask of cheerfulness, denial and addictive behaviour. These eventually lead to digestive issues and inflammation in the body.
By releasing this stomach congestion it becomes easier to work with emotional issues and accept nourishment. Supporting  us physically, mentally and emotionally. 
The mind body connection gives both  emotional and physical issues an holistic perspective and this can help put pieces back into the bigger picture.
#mindbodyconnection #stomachmeridian #neck #arms #chestmuscles #weareallconnected #mindbodyintegration

The other chakra which has a lot of relevance when it comes to intimacy is the sacral chakra unlike the feeling centres I’ve mentioned earlier the sacral chakra is a will centre so this chakra can be damaged severely by others taking advantage of or imposing their will both individually or culturally.
Our culture has distorted the energy of the Sacral Chakra by bombarding us with images of what sexy is, and sexy should look like.
It has given us unrealistic expectations and comparisons and feeding us a poor body image. This is damaging our self worth, and reducing our behavioural standards. It’s leaving us thinking and wanting more because we have shut down our feeling centre. This is so unrealistic and unfair for our partner on every level.
Pornography has switched us off to real sensations and we are adapting to the comparison culture by making us doubt ourselves and forget how to enforce heathy boundaries.
What we are lacking is satisfaction this is because we have failed to recognise, that satisfaction comes from engagement. We can’t possibly achieve this without a willingness to explore the sanctity of love and intimate connection.
We have forgotten what it is to engage in true connection, intimacy with mutual respect.
We are becoming numb, and disassociating from our partner as we prioritise addictive behavioural patterns, stress and lazy over intimacy.
These negative experiences are being endured in far greater numbers than ever before as we are adapting to, instead of understanding.
How many standards and values are we sacrificing rather than questioning our current input and expectations?
Divide and conquer is how we are destroying our relationships from not being accountable for putting in the effort, or picking up the pieces. We can’t meet the cultural expectations because they are the polar opposite direction to what is required of us.
When we give we grow and anything which is good for us or healthy forms of intimacy comes from within us or internally. Not from external forces and not influenced by external forces.
As with everything else we don’t find the answers looking on the outside we need to look within and make sure our heart centre has flow with our sacral energy centre if we want to be happy. We also need the ability to follow through rather than disengage which is what is encouraged at the moment because the energy shortfall is greater every time we unsuccessfully learn from experience. We are aiming for whole not pieces. Or we remain unhappy, unhealthy and unsatisfied.
Establishing solid, appropriate boundaries and desires in relationships particularly around issues such as trust and responsibility are important and more important than ever at the moment.
#intimacy #sacralchakra #love #metoo #sacralhealing #energymedicine #weareallconnected #mindbodyintegration
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The other chakra which has a lot of relevance when it comes to intimacy is the sacral chakra unlike the feeling centres I’ve mentioned earlier the sacral chakra is a will centre so this chakra can be damaged severely by others taking advantage of or imposing their will both individually or culturally. 
Our culture has distorted the energy of the Sacral Chakra by bombarding us with images of what sexy is, and sexy should look like. 
It has given us unrealistic expectations and comparisons and feeding us a poor body image. This is damaging our self worth, and reducing our behavioural standards. It’s leaving us thinking and wanting more because we have shut down our feeling centre. This is so unrealistic and unfair for our partner on every level. 
Pornography has switched us off to real sensations and we are adapting to the comparison culture by making us doubt ourselves and forget how to enforce heathy boundaries.
What we are lacking is satisfaction this is  because we have failed to recognise, that satisfaction comes from engagement. We can’t possibly achieve this without a willingness to explore the sanctity of love and intimate connection. 
We have forgotten what it is to engage in true connection, intimacy with mutual respect. 
We are becoming numb, and disassociating from our partner as we prioritise addictive behavioural patterns, stress and lazy over intimacy. 
These negative experiences are being endured in far greater numbers than ever before as we are adapting to, instead of understanding. 
How many standards and values are we sacrificing rather than questioning our current input and expectations? 
Divide and conquer is how we are destroying our relationships from not being accountable for putting in the effort, or picking up the pieces. We can’t meet the cultural expectations because they are the polar opposite direction to what is required of us. 
When we give we grow and anything which is good for us or healthy forms of intimacy comes from within us or internally. Not from external forces and not influenced by external forces. 
As with everything else we don’t find the answers looking on the outside we need to look within and make sure our heart centre has flow with our sacral energy centre if we want to be happy. We also need the ability to follow through rather than disengage which is what is encouraged at the moment because the energy shortfall is greater every time we unsuccessfully learn from experience. We are aiming for whole not pieces. Or we remain unhappy, unhealthy and unsatisfied.
Establishing solid, appropriate boundaries and desires in relationships particularly around issues such as trust and responsibility are important and more important than ever at the moment.
#intimacy #sacralchakra #love #metoo #sacralhealing #energymedicine #weareallconnected #mindbodyintegration

We are not interested in the truth because of all the hype. We can't see the forest for the trees.
We don't understand our nature as human beings and the trajectory for ‘more of the same’ will lead us to more depression, illness and mental illness. Even the face of mental illness is not just depression and anxiety it's a cluster of illnesses as the result of overstimulation and dysregulation.
We are a fear based culture and if we speak out or stand up for ourselves we may be ridiculed. That is what we are up against. This has to stop.
On the positive side we are all connected and if we do the work individually we help much more than just ourselves. We create own own web, a little like the www web because we are unconsciously connected and have the ability to touch others with our presence. Regardless of belief, if nothing is ever said we remain powerless to the affect of a change and this level of crisis’s will continue and eventually no one is safe.
Divide and conquer doesn't work, it leaves us without our core values stuck in fight or flight. We have to bring that energy back, and understand empathy and unity. Less is more. If we act from outside of our core values we struggle and so does everyone around us.
We all know we are being controlled by other peoples purse strings. What we are only just learning is it’s our addicted brain that gives them enough influence that we switch off from what's important. We no longer feel satisfied and we are not going to whilst it’s only dopamine we are craving and we are loosing out on what’s important like intimacy, connection and self worth because of it. When we don’t feel, we don’t feel anything this is shutting down our feeling centres not only are we not feeling what feels bad but also we are missing out on what feels good as well such as love and compassion.
Satisfaction only comes internally we can't manufacture it externally it will never happen.
Ultimately we have no choice but to listen.
#intimacy #selfworth #satisfaction #overstimulated #dysregulated #weareallconnected #mindbodyintegration
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We are not interested in the truth because of all the hype. We cant see the forest for the trees.
We dont understand our nature as human beings and the trajectory for ‘more of the same’ will lead us to more depression, illness and mental illness. Even the face of mental illness is not just depression and anxiety its a cluster of illnesses as the result of overstimulation and dysregulation.
We are a fear based culture and if we speak out or stand up for ourselves we may be ridiculed. That is what we are up against. This has to stop.
On the positive side we are all connected and if we do the work individually we help much more than just ourselves. We create own own web, a little like the www web because we are unconsciously connected and have the ability to touch others with our presence. Regardless of belief, if nothing is ever said we remain powerless to the affect of a change and this level of crisis’s will continue and eventually no one is safe. 
Divide and conquer doesnt work, it leaves us without our core values stuck in fight or flight. We have to bring that energy back, and understand empathy and unity. Less is more. If we act from outside of our core values we struggle and so does everyone around us.
We all know we are being controlled by other peoples purse strings. What we are only just learning is it’s our addicted brain that gives them enough influence that we switch off from whats important. We no longer feel satisfied and we are not going to whilst it’s only dopamine we are craving and we are loosing out on what’s important like intimacy, connection and self worth because of it. When we don’t feel, we don’t feel anything this is shutting down our feeling centres not only are we not feeling what feels bad but also we are missing out on what feels good as well such as love and compassion. 
Satisfaction only comes internally we cant manufacture it externally it will never happen. 
Ultimately we have no choice but to listen.
#intimacy #selfworth #satisfaction #overstimulated #dysregulated #weareallconnected #mindbodyintegration

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The most essential part of life is being healthy and free from depression anxiety & chronic conditions, if you are suffering from any condition, ease your mind doctor muhammad is one of those herbalist that has the cure for any kind of health condition with his Natural remedies.. you can reach out to him anytime just ask for his link. I'm proudly chronic disease free, after using this methods following instructions to take the herbal supplements. I got from him, Try this life saving method, & recommend others, Love y'all 😘

Micro-dosing capsules really helped with my anxiety, depression, stress,ADHD, Dementia and fibromyalgia . I have been coping well since I started micro-dosing psychedelics I usually get the capsules from ... Rycotrip on Instagram ... She's a mycologist she guided me through the journey of getting better I think you should try it would be worth of your time.

Respiratory illnesses _illnesses that effect the lungs such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and pneumonia,can cause breathing difficulties and reduce overall health and quality of life 🧬 but trust me microdosing capsule definitely help i got i from MYCOPATRA on Instagram follow up the page mycopatra on Instagram and get well soon 🔜

I began my microdosing journey 🍄✨❤️with Brun_spores on iñstägräm for cluster-headache bipolar disorder, panic attack, chronic pain, anxiety, PTSD, ADHD, trauma, C-PTSD, mental health illness, insomnia, and depression. I have been productive unlike before it's been amazing so far and I'll recommend this for anyone..

Self worth is having the courage to act on our core beliefs the most sincere emotions we have located on our central and governing meridian such as integrity, self respect and honesty.
Self worth is genuine self-love and with self worth we are able to make choices to say yes or no depending on what is in our best interest without fear of judgement.
The judgements we make are in our highest good that not only serve ourselves and our best interests but are in harmony with the human species and planet we live on.
Lack of self worth is ego-based where we make choices rooted in low self esteem and follow others judgements either to fit with a crowd or for our own narrowband of self interest and selfishness.
Self worth has the power dynamics of ‘power within’ where we are true to our inner most values that on reflection we can feel good about and give us a sense of peace.
#selfworth #powerwithin #truetoourself #selfreflection #weareallconnected #mindbodyintegration
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Self worth is having the courage to act on our core beliefs the most sincere emotions we have located on our central and governing meridian such as integrity, self respect and honesty. 
Self worth is genuine self-love and with self worth we are able to make choices to say yes or no depending on what is in our best interest without fear of judgement. 
The judgements we make are in our highest good that not only serve ourselves and our best interests but are in harmony with the human species and planet we live on. 
Lack of self worth is ego-based where we make choices rooted in low self esteem and follow others judgements either to fit with a crowd or for our own narrowband of self interest and selfishness. 
Self worth has the power dynamics of ‘power within’ where we are true to our inner most values that on reflection we can feel good about and give us a sense of peace.
#selfworth #powerwithin #truetoourself #selfreflection #weareallconnected #mindbodyintegration

It can be difficult to stay in touch with our self worth these days with so much manipulation in the world editing out our humanity. From governments, corporations, media, family, relationships. We are at the mercy of conformity to fit with everyone around us.
But mostly from the divide and conquer form of ‘power over’ dynamic we all have mirrored to us in every walk of life keeping us powerless, wanting and manipulated.
Tricking us that selfishness is self worth and manipulating our wants and needs in order to purchase self worth externally rather than feel it internally.
Making us believe in scarcity complexities and we are in direct competition with others around us. We are led entirely by market forces determining what is good, bad, desirable or undesirable, and fake? We are loosing, real !!
Selfishness is a narcissistic quality focusing on the self wanting to be seen, having a high sense of self importance it teaches us to want more but feel less. The more we want ironically makes a gap in our feelings.
Marketing is reaching out to the emptiness within to obtain more meaning in life. We now have attention engineers who direct and divert our attention to what they would like us to consume and of course most things are addictive so this further F#€KS with our brain but maintains the consumer loop.
We tend to lack feelings and empathy because of the superficial nature of what we are striving for. This can often be caused by the instant gratification we want without the fulfilment and purpose.
Following the crowd is more important than pursuing our own ideals. As people are becoming more superficial we are loosing connection with ourselves and with others and putting our own needs first as a cop out disguised as self worth because it’s fits with what we are seeing around us.
We are living in an almost disposable world and are not valuing anything as important including, people, relationships and meaningful experiences.
There is a lack in this basic premise even in psychology and counselling if the problem is too hard, run away never mind the dominoes or the chaos for others.
We won’t find the answers here it is not taught at university it is more than just words. We are missing the sacredness of life, simplicity, peace and stability.
It is so much easier to run away than to face our own shortcomings and self worth is an excuse for doing this. This is incorrect it’s selfishness or emotional abandonment.
The patterns need to be better understood and push for change.
Coming to terms with the accountability aspect brings the pendulum back into self worth and eventually the power dynamics will come back to ‘power within’ which is better for everyone and gives us the courage to act as individuals on our own insight.
#powerwithin #selfworth #powerover #divideandconquuer #weareallconnected #iwantchange #mindbodyintegration
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It can be difficult to stay in touch with our self worth these days with so much manipulation in the world editing out our humanity. From governments, corporations, media, family, relationships. We are at the mercy of conformity to fit with everyone around us. 
But mostly from the divide and conquer form of ‘power over’ dynamic we all have mirrored to us in every walk of life keeping us powerless, wanting and manipulated. 
Tricking us that selfishness is self worth and manipulating our wants and needs in order to purchase self worth externally rather than feel it internally. 
Making us believe in scarcity complexities and we are in direct competition with others around us. We are led entirely by market forces determining what is good, bad, desirable or undesirable, and fake? We are loosing, real !!
Selfishness is a narcissistic quality focusing on the self wanting to be seen, having a high sense of self importance it teaches us to want more but feel less. The more we want ironically makes a gap in our feelings.
Marketing is reaching out to the emptiness within to obtain more meaning in life. We now have attention engineers who direct and divert our attention to what they would like us to consume and of course most things are addictive so this further F#€KS with our brain but maintains the consumer loop.
We tend to lack feelings and empathy because of the superficial nature of what we are striving for. This can often be caused by the instant gratification we want without the fulfilment and purpose. 
Following the crowd is more important than pursuing our own ideals. As people are becoming more superficial we are loosing connection with ourselves and with others and putting our own needs first as a cop out disguised as self worth because it’s fits with what we are seeing around us. 
We are living in an almost disposable world and are not valuing anything as important including, people, relationships and meaningful experiences.
There is a lack in this basic premise even in psychology and counselling if the problem is too hard, run away never mind the dominoes or the chaos for others. 
We won’t find the answers here it is not taught at university it is more than just words. We are missing the sacredness of life, simplicity, peace and stability.
It is so much easier to run away than to face our own shortcomings and self worth is an excuse for doing this. This is incorrect it’s selfishness or emotional abandonment. 
The patterns need to be better understood and push for change. 
Coming to terms with the accountability aspect brings the pendulum back into self worth and eventually the power dynamics will come back to ‘power within’ which is better for everyone and gives us the courage to act as individuals on our own  insight.
#powerwithin #selfworth #powerover #divideandconquuer #weareallconnected #iwantchange #mindbodyintegration

People who have tight eyes generally have tight necks as well.
When the neck is tight it actually begins to close off energy and this can mean the eyes also suffer. So vision, tiredness, squinting, facial muscles all hold more tension.
So coping with constant tension has a bearing on the neck flexors which hold the neck upright against gravity.
The neck flexors by moving with the neck side to side or up and down links with our ability to speak up for ourselves. Our ability to speak by saying yes or no both verbally and non verbally.
So when the neck is relaxed and comfortable the mind and the body can have more energy and experience more clarity to work together.
So more vision means more accuracy and an increase of energy flow not only mentally but physically and emotionally as well.
#eyeheath #yesandno #nexkflexors #weareallconnected #mindbodyintegration
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People who have tight eyes generally have tight necks as well. 
When the neck is tight it actually begins to close off energy and this can mean the eyes also suffer. So vision, tiredness, squinting, facial muscles all hold more tension. 
So coping with constant tension has a bearing on the neck flexors which hold the neck upright against gravity. 
The neck flexors by moving with the neck side to side or up and down links with our ability to speak up for ourselves. Our ability to speak by saying yes or no both verbally and non verbally. 
So when the neck is relaxed and comfortable the mind and the body can have more energy and experience more clarity to work together. 
So more vision means more accuracy and an increase of energy flow not only mentally but physically and emotionally as well.
#eyeheath #yesandno #nexkflexors #weareallconnected #mindbodyintegration

The devil on your shoulder is Dopamine and it’s for sale.
Dopamine is the feel good chemical, the motivational, or habit forming neurotransmitter. Probably the most well-known chemical in the human body. We all want more of it, it good for us, or so we are told.
Dopamine fuels the brain’s pleasure and reward system, through a series of processes that drives motivation, desire, and cravings.
As you wonder whether to indulge in one more coffee, another drink, a cigarette. Everyone is vaping surely we have enough evidence that this isn’t good?
Let’s have another bet and forget about it. Technology and gaming are massive industries our poor little brain hasn’t got a hope of survival when technology knows exactly what we want and to ways and means to purchase it. Just one more piece of pie!
Dopamine the greed neurotransmitter.
The overstimulation of dopamine can become a real problem because of its addictive nature. The instant gratification that just about everything bad provides and leaves us wanting more.
It is closely tied to developing bad habits or addictions.
With the high from overstimulation comes the inevitable low. Unfortunately the only way to combat the low is to self medicate with another high.
Or the realisation we are being conned.
I need another hit to cope with the empty low. It’s a false illusion of pleasure.
It’s not oxytocin, there ain’t no love chemicals here, it ain’t serotonin we are not balancing our emotions. It’s the bad one. There isn’t enough warnings of the dangers the dopamine devil. But the evidence is all in the profit margin.
Dopamine is purely reward and gratification. Empty space illusion. Beware !!
#dopamine #thedecilonuourshoulder #weareallconnected #mindbodyintegration #addictions
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The devil on your shoulder is Dopamine and it’s for sale.
Dopamine is the feel good chemical, the motivational, or habit forming neurotransmitter. Probably the most well-known chemical in the human body. We all want more of it, it good for us, or so we are told. 
Dopamine fuels the brain’s pleasure and reward system, through a series of processes that drives motivation, desire, and cravings.
As you wonder whether to indulge in one more coffee, another drink, a cigarette. Everyone is vaping surely we have enough evidence that this isn’t good?
Let’s have another bet and forget about it.  Technology and gaming are massive industries our poor little brain hasn’t got a hope of survival when technology knows exactly what we want and to ways and means to purchase it. Just one more piece of pie! 
Dopamine the greed neurotransmitter. 
The overstimulation of dopamine can become a real problem because of its addictive nature. The instant gratification that just about everything bad provides and leaves us wanting more. 
It is closely tied to developing bad habits or addictions.
With the high from overstimulation comes the inevitable low. Unfortunately the only way to combat the low is to self medicate with another high. 
Or the realisation we are being conned. 
I need another hit to cope with the empty low. It’s a false illusion of pleasure. 
It’s not oxytocin, there ain’t no love chemicals here, it ain’t serotonin we are not balancing our emotions. It’s the bad one. There isn’t enough warnings of the dangers the dopamine devil. But the evidence is all in the profit margin. 
Dopamine is purely reward and gratification. Empty space illusion. Beware !!
#dopamine #thedecilonuourshoulder #weareallconnected #mindbodyintegration #addictions

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InDopamine Nation, Dr. Anna Lembke, psychiatrist and author, explores the exciting new scientific discoveries that explain why the relentless pursuit of pleasure leads to pain...and what to do about it.

Hit the nail on the head 💯

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Mind Body Integration, 33 Fourth St, South Littleton NSW 2790. Phone: 0448513171

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