Essences are a tool that many Kinesiologists use to assist clients to become more aware of how their emotions are a by-product of how events and circumstances impact who they are at any given time.
In my early study, the very first course at Nature Care College was the Bach Flower Remedies and how these seemingly simple essences helped their discoverer Edward Bach, a British Doctor, Bacteriologist and Homeopath, treat himself and others with Essences from plants and the energy pattern of a flower. Bach Flowers are easily available at chemists and supermarkets the most popular being Rescue Remedy which is safe for all and often administered in periods of stress or after shock.
Australian Bush Flower essences are another commonly used essence utilising the power of native Australian bush plants, Shell Essences, or colour essences such as Aura Soma. Each offer a individual element of vibration which assists, people harness personal growth and wellbeing.
An element of intuition is often needed when creating and administrating an essence for example I have made essences from flowers, colours , sounds, and native honeys I’ve found in the bush all interesting elements and which all seems to fit together and match the goal setting I do as an Kinesiologist.
I find goal setting the most important element of any session I do with a client. Its feels like a chat in which we decide what would feel better than the point they are at now. Many of the affirmations or goals give the persons unconscious clear instruction of how we should move forward. Kinesiology is biofeedback technique which aims to achieve self regulation.
I have adapted many of the goals I use with clients, coupled with a collection of my artworks and that of my talented daughter Beth Flynn to create an ever expanding affirmation card deck collection. In so creating the cards, and pairing essences together I’ve added to a fragrance base made from essential oil combinations.