Kinesiology helps to restore health by balancing the body physically, mentally and emotionally.
So physically it can help with aches and pains. By circuit locating muscles which are reactive. A reactive muscle is a muscle behaving too strong (bully) while other muscles are switched off and not doing their job at all. When this situation is reversed it restores normal muscle tone. Trigger points also can be helped as well by targeting specific lympatic flow assisting knots to be released usually without the pain of deep tissue massage.
Mentaly, Kinesiology can help with anxiety, addictions, depression, obsessions and phobias.
On an emotionally level Kinesiology can help devellop self confidence, goal setting, strong relationships, self empowerment, creativity, or improve work, sports, or school performance.
The mind body connection is amazing and you can start feeling empowereded by seeking out what information your body has to share with you.
I love sharing the pictures of Beth Flynn please enjoy this anatony drawing recently completed at the National Art School.
Phone for an appointment 0448513171 Amanda Spargo 33 Fourth St South Littleton. I work between the hours of 9am and 7pm Monday to Friday and Saturday mornings by appointment.