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Feeling Burnt out? 11 ways to Replenish your energy levels.

Feeling Burnt out? 11 ways to Replenish your energy levels.




  1. Remedial Massage soothes sore muscles and provides a welcome escape for busy minds.
  2. Friendship, spend time with people who value your spirit.
  3. Laughter, a good belly laugh shakes your insides in a good way and stimulates feel good endorphins.
  4. Exercise, increases energy and motivation.
  5. Stretching, finds new muscles and muscles hold emotion.
  6. Meditate, a quiet mind feels inspired.
  7. Get enough sleep. My MBI Peace essence or chamomile tea can be helpful.
  8. Take a bath with Epson salts, helps to replace magnesium in sore muscles.
  9. Water
  10. Garden, plants can be very healing and grounding.
  11. Sunshine and fresh air, provide vitamin D and oxygen to your cells.
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