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Real Food

Eating real food and making good food choices can have a profound effect on the muscular system.  Certain muscles are strengthened by specific foods. Choosing to eat certain foods is a cost-effective way to help to increase nutrients rather than taking supplements.

The gluteus maximus is one of the largest and strongest muscles of the body which helps to give support to our lower back as well as lends support to the reproductive area. Foods which support the Gluteus maximus are green peas, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, walnuts , green leafy vegies and cold water fish. So for lower back and reproductive health a diet rich in these foods can help nourish the body and reproductive system.

Here is my salad suggestion for reproduction health

Broccoli and Kale Salad

Kale cut finely

Broccoli diced

Green peas




Sunflower seeds pumpkin seeds cranberries

1 avocado



Lemon or lime juice

Mint leaves or any herb blended

Olive oil.


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